Planocolor Premium SP
Two component cement based system for creating high strength and low thickness microcement coatings inside swimming pools
Two-component microcement coating with ANTI-CRACKING EFFECT suitable for floors, walls and ceilings. It has high resistance to chemical stress and is suitable for swimming pools, tanks, built-in showers and bathtubs. It is certified according to EN 1504-2 as waterproofing protection of concrete. In wet areas, a compatible, strong, cement based waterproofing membrane such as SC ELASTIC or SC 200 PENETRATE must be applied beforehand. In swimming pools it is applied to a minimum total thickness of 3mm (walls & floors) with NOVAMIX FIBERGLASS ΝΕΤ incorporation. Available in an off-white base which is mixed with specific NOVACOLOR DESIGN color pigments.
- Consumption: Depending on the application
- Package: Containers (15+2) kg
- Pallet: 408 kg
- PLANOCOLOR PREMIUM SP two-component microcement coating is suitable:
- For creating:
- Decorative microcement coatings
- Decorative coatings of constructions and furniture such as tables, benches built in sinks, etc.
- For application on horizontal and vertical surfaces such as:
- External areas, swimming pools, floors, walls, roof tops, balconies, etc.
- Internal areas, bathrooms, and wet areas
- Surfaces with intense traffic, hotels, showrooms, houses
- Underfloor heating installations
- On substrates such as:
- Concrete, cement screeds, gypsum boards and cement boards
- Existing coverings such as ceramic tiles, marble, terrazzo
- Glass, metal and wood properly primed
- For creating:
- Compressive strength: ≥ 60 N/mm²
- Flexural strength: ≥ 15 N/mm²
- Adhesion: ≥ 2,5 N/mm²
- Wear resistance: ≤ 6 cm³ / 50 cm²
- Minimum thickness: 2 mm
- POT life: 1 – 1,5 hours / 20°C
- Application temperature: from +5°C up to +35°C
Substrate preparation:
Cement based substrates have to be compact, level, clean, free of grease, oil, laitance and any substances which may compromise the adhesion of PLANOCOLOR PREMIUM SP. The minimum flexural strength shouldn’t be less than 1,5 N/mm² and the minimum compressive strength at least 25 N/mm². The application surfaces must be dry and protected from rising humidity with max moisture content <4% by weight measured with the CM or Darr method. Concrete substrates should be first properly prepared by mechanical polishing in order to obtain a uniform absorbent substrate with open porosity without protruding edges. If levelling is required, it is recommended to use mortars with controlled shrinkage and drying such as RC 240 or NOVACEM RAPID according to the requirements of each application. Existing cracks on the substrate should be bonded with the fluid epoxy resin EPO FLUID. On the still fresh EPO FLUID surface, scatter S 500 silica sand or similar in order to create a mineral surface.
Absorbent substrates should be primed with PLANOPRIMER in order to increase the adhesion and provide a sealed substrate. Substrate of reduced strength should receive consolidation treatment by means of NOVAPRIMER or WATER PRIMER EPX and full coverage with the sand S 500, by scattering on the still wet primer surface.
Existing floor coverings like in example ceramic tiles, gres porcelain, marble, terrazzo, etc. have to be firmly attached on the substrate. They also have to be clean and free of laitance or any substance which will compromise adhesion on them. If required, use for cleaning ALCALINE CLEANER or ACID CLEAN depending on the type of stain and rinse well with water. Prime the clean and dry covering with PLANO CONTACT FAST. For external area applications, swimming pools the substrate has to be waterproofed first by using SC ELASTIC or SC 200 PENETRATE. For additional information refer to the Technical Data Sheets of the products.
Preparation of the mix:
In the bucket containing the powder empty the recipients containing the PREMIUM LATEX and the pigments in liquid form NOVACOLOR DESIGN, according to the desired color, of the relevant PLANOCOLOR MICROCEMENT color chart. According to the required workability for every 1kg of PREMIUM LATEX 1 – 1,5 L of clean water must be added. This water is used to clean the recipients of both PREMIUM LATEX and NOVACOLOR DESIGN, in order to ensure the uniform color between different buckets mixes as well as that all the quantity of both products is inside the mix. Mix by means of electrical stirrer for at least 3 minutes until you obtain a uniform mix free of lumps. The mix has to be used within 1,5 hours after mixing in normal conditions. After this time don’t try to soft the mix by adding water. Low temperatures extend and high temperatures reduce the workability of the mix.
Application of the mix:
Apply two or three coats according to the desired finish. On horizontal surfaces apply the first coat by means of a notched trowel 6 x 6 incorporating, inside the still fresh mortar, the alkali resistant NOVAMIX FIBERGLASS NET. The net incorporation is recommended also for vertical surfaces in order to function as a thickness indication of the coating. Apply a second coat after the coating becomes hard after 6 hours in normal conditions, ensuring that the net is fully covered. If required, an additional coating or subsequent coatings can be applied in order to reach the desired pattern. It is recommended to prime between coats with PLANOPRIMER diluted 1:1 with water. In order to obtain an extra smooth and minimal texture it is recommended to slightly sand the finished surface, in order to eliminate any small irregularities. The sandpaper grain size must be chosen according to the requirements. After 24 hours form the application of the coating and after checking humidity content, an appropriate waterproofing sealing system must be applied. One of the DRY BRIGHT, PROTECT 200, PLANOFINISH EPOXY or any of the PLANOFINISH PU varnishes can be used, according to the requirements of each application. For applications inside swimming pools it is recommended to use PLANOFINISH PU 2KS. For additional information refer to the Technical Data Sheets of the products.
Expansion joints:
The expansion joints incorporation depends on the use of the surface and the dimensions of the area. In internal areas every 7 – 10 linear meters and in external areas every 5 – 7 linear meters.
- Apply only on solid and properly primed substrate
- Avoid application under direct sunlight and/or strong drying wind or rainDo not add water in quantity higher than the recommended and do not add water when the mixture starts to set
- Do not cover or apply the product over existing expansion joints of the substrate
• Do not apply the coating on substrates with rising damp or in total water immersion without substrate waterproofing - Do not add cement, gypsum, lime or other substances which might influence the properties of the mortar.
- Don’t apply the coating on substrates and/or areas with temperature less than +5°C or higher than +35°C
- Do not apply directly over anhydrite screeds, metal or flexible substrates with high deformability and intense vibration.
- For applications in total water immersion it is recommended to use the NOVACOLOR DESIGN pigments with SP indication from the relevant PLANOCOLOR MICROCEMENT color chart
- Application should be performed by professional users
Tools, buckets, tiles etc. can be cleaned with fresh and clean water as long as, PLANOCOLOR PREMIUM SP is still fresh. After hardening occurs, cleaning can take place only by mechanical means.
Legal Notice:
The technical data and recommendations included or listed are the outcome of laboratory measurements combined with our current knowledge and expertise. All information and specifications should in any case be considered as indicative. The Company makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided herein. Product specifications are subject to change without notice and may differ from product images. Due to printing and application procedures, the colors displayed here should be considered as indicative. In particular, variations in materials, substrates and on-site application conditions are such that no warranty can be given or implied reference to the suitability of the materials for trading or use for a particular purpose and conditions of any given project. Anyone interested in using the product must ensure beforehand that the product is suitable for the intended use and in any case, the user is solely responsible for any outcomes associated with the use of product. Among other things, the Company is not responsible for any normal wear or tear from environmental or any other unsuitable conditions. We reserve the right to revise or change the data herein without prior notice. Restrictions and disclaimers apply to the extent permitted by applicable law. The Company has a Technical Support Department, which has exclusive responsibility for providing technical advice and solutions, addressing relevant issues. Requests to the Technical Support Department are addressed and answered, only in writing. For the latest and valid version of the Technical Data Sheet, the user of the material must refer to our website
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